Reuters - August 12, 2009, 2:28 am
BERLIN: Seven-times world champion Michael Schumacher has cancelled plans for a temporary return to Formula One with Ferrari because of fitness concerns. 「昨天晚上,我已經通知了法拉利車隊的主席蒙特澤莫洛和車隊經理多梅尼卡利,我不能頂替受傷的馬薩出戰F1了。我已經盡力了,但是,很遺憾我現在不能夠參加比賽。在義大利穆傑羅賽道進行了測試後,我的頸部依然感覺到疼痛。我們已經試過用藥和理療等各種方法,但是都不起作用。」
The 40-year-old was due to replace the injured Felipe Massa but with a neck injury sustained in a motorcycle accident earlier this year still causing him pain during testing, Ferrari have given the seat to experienced test driver Luca Badoer.
"I really tried everything to make that temporary comeback possible, however much to my regret it didn't work out," the German told his website (
"That is why my neck cannot stand the extreme stresses caused by Formula One yet. These are the clear results of the examinations we did ... over the past two weeks and the final examination yesterday afternoon."
(Michael Schumacher)在自己的官方網站發表聲明,由於頸部依然存在疼痛,自己決定放棄頂替受傷的馬薩(Felipe Massa)參加F1比賽的機會。