要在NZ生活一年,所以一定得去辦個手機門號,有什麼緊急事情也比較容易連絡, Now you can call overseas landlines, in our top 15 countries, any time of the day or night for just $2 for 60 minutes. Australia, UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, India, Malaysia and the Philippines. So what are you waiting for? There's nothing you have to do to activate it, $2 for 60 is ready to go. All you have to do is pick up your mobile and call.
這次我們是跟網友購買pre pay卡,這跟台灣的預付卡一樣,先儲值就可以使用了,
到時候再傳簡訊給系統,系統就自動加值...夠複雜了吧!? 瞧!台灣光這一點就方便多了~
詳細如下: 改天想要跟我們聊天的,就請大家先集合整隊好,我們一次聊個夠吧!!!
- May 21 Thu 2009 17:13
NZ生活篇- about Vodafone ...
$2 for 60 minutes overseas calling is back