DOC(Deapartment of Conservation)  紐西蘭環境保護部門,這是我最佩服的紐西蘭環境保護單位,所有有關生態保護,國家公園動植物,國家地理與歷史都有非常詳盡的介紹與保護措施,在NZ只要從事相關的戶外活動絕對會對這個組織感到敬佩。

DOC規劃的NZ Great walkway總共有九條國家級 track。
1. Milford Track - Fiordland National Park
2. Kepler Track - Fiordland National Park
3. Routeburn Track - Aspiring National Park
4. Lake Waikaremoana Track - Urewera National Park
5. Abel Tasman Coast Track - Abel Tasman National Park
6. Tongariro Northern Circuit - Tongariro National Park

7. Heaphy Track - Kahurangi National Park
8. Rakiura Track- Stewart Island National Park
9. Whanganui River Canoe -Whanganui National Park

其中1~3可以稱的上是世界級的健行步道,DODORO & 寶寶 完成了以上七個有底色的步道。
深深覺得在NZ tramping 實在是很享受的一項戶外活動,風景漂亮而且路程規劃適中,大部分都是三~四天的路線,每一條Great Walks都有獨自的特色,在此與大家分享~

1. Milford Track - Fiordland National Park 
行程為四天,而且每天限制人數四十名入山,必須先向DOC預約登記Hut及接駁船隻,這是世界級的步道,全長54公里,在Fiordland National Park (South Island)內,沿途穿過溫帶雨林與多條水晶般透明的溪流,最著名的景點就是紐西蘭最高的瀑布-Sutherland falls 630M。

2. Kepler Track - Fiordland National Park 
行程規劃可為三天或是四天,全長60公里,跟Milford track 一樣也在Fiordland Nation Park內,沿途可以看到包括湖泊(Te Anau Lake & Lake Manapouri),河流峽谷,冰河沖刷谷地(台灣所謂的圈谷地形)以及溫帶雨林山毛櫸森林...幸運的話可以看到Kiwi Bird哦!(有聽到Kiwi Bird叫聲)

3. Routeburn Track - Aspiring National Park 
行程規劃為三天,全長32公里,沿途路過及多樣化的自然風光,高山景致是所有Great Walks裡最棒的,一樣也可以看到瀑布雨林及山毛櫸森林,是寶寶認為最漂亮的Great Walks!

Track categories

Choose the type of track that most suits the skills and abilities of your party. There are six categories:

Easy access walk   Easy walking for up to an hour for people of all abilities.

Short walk                     Easy walking for up to an hour for most fitness levels.

Walking track              Gentle walking from a few minutes to a day. 

Great walk/Easy tramping track   Well graded and defined for comfortable day or multi-day walking.

Tramping track           Challenging day or multi-day tramping. 

Route                                Challenging multi-day tramping.


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