What a coincident~
I had seen the news yesterday, I would like to share with all my friends.
Maybe one day we will find this dolphin and we will swim with her.
There is a local tour about swimming with dolphin, and the tour cost 100NZ.
If we find the Moko ,like you say...we can save 200NZ, it's amazing~

Thank you guy...you are a good reader. I am glad to share the NZ life with you.
God bless you and Amy and the baby... We look forward to seeing you ...

I will try if we arrivel in Gisborne...wait and see~

不捨玩伴離去 海豚拒放紐西蘭女子上岸  http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/090728/19/1nv76.html

媒體今天報導,因為雙方玩得太開心,一隻玩興正濃的海豚拒絕讓一位紐西蘭女泳客上岸,最後只好由岸邊民眾划船救回。「吉斯伯恩先鋒報」(Gisborne Herald)報導,這位筋疲力竭的女子是在北島(North Island)東岸Mahia海灘外海被發現的。當時她緊抱著海上浮標,海豚則繞著她游,並阻止她游回岸上。不過,這名不願透露姓名的女子說,這隻名為Moko的海豚顯然並無任何惡意。Moko居住在這片海域已經2年多,在當地家喻戶曉。這隻海豚一向愛找泳客與船客一塊兒玩。
當地酒吧老闆賽姆絲(Juantia Symes)說:「當我們到現場時,她緊抱著浮標,全身僵硬,快凍死了。」當時這名女子穿著連身泳衣,以抵禦冬季酷寒。老闆說:「她完全累癱了。如果我們再晚點,她可能會精力耗盡。」


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